OK. Here are my thoughts on what most every business I work with needs to do to be successful online.

1. Website must be professional in design. This should go without saying, but your business website is the gateway to your business and is where people find out more about what services and products you have to offer. Page1Ranks.com has the capabilities of providing “World Calss” website design for companies looking to make improvements to their sites. There are also some very key components to make sure your site is working for you and not against you.

2. Build that List-You have probably heard the money is in the list. Well, that is very true. Make sure you are building a crowd of fans that want to hear what you have to say. Once you have that list there are virtually endless possibilities for your business to capitalize on.

3. You need traffic. So, you have that pretty website, now what? Well, you need to drive traffic to your website and start engaging with your customer base. The quickest way I know to get traffic is to utilize Google’s Adword PPC platform or Microsoft AdCenter. You can setup a laser-targeted campaign that drives traffic to your business for the keywords you desire. I will throw out caution that you must really understand PPC or display advertising or you can burn through tons of money. We manage smaller PPC campaigns and partner with the TOP PPC firm in the nation for our larger clients.

4. Social Media- Setup your Facebook, Twiiter and LinkedIn profiles. It is all the buzz these days and a must have for businesses going forward. The social media platform isn’t going away and every business needs to leverage the networks of people and the amazing ability sharing within these networks provide.

5. To be continued….