Let’s get ready to rumble! You can see the guy and hear his voice, can’t you!?

We are in the beginning rounds of a heavyweight title fight. The prize, not a big fancy gold belt, but the future of online business commerce.

I just got done giving a presentation on Google vs. Facebook and the many other Social Media options readily available. Social Media is changing the way businesses are engaging prospects and clients online. So, who is going to win this heavyweight title fight. In my humble opinion both companies win and we have two 800 pound gorillas (they already are) competing for the online crowd attention and searches.

It is imperative that businesses fully leverage the search engines and Social Media to their maximum potential. The old phonebook advertising of the past just doesn’t work the way it use to. People go online to find businesses they are looking for. It is the now and future of finding people to call or visit your business. Anything search related a business can do to increase its Page1 online exposure is imperative to a businesses survival. Many businesses have been busy optimizing their websites, running pay per click campaigns, blogging, video marketing, article marketing etc. These guys are smart and will reap long term benefit from their online work. Calculated, methodical, incremental changes pay huge dividends to those businesses optimizing their sites. These folks also understand the ongoing long-term commitment to their organic search efforts and the value of a Page 1 Ranking for their money phrases.

Now, the big buzz is Social Media. You have all heard it…Join the Conversation…that’s what Social Media is all about right?  Well, yes and no, there are other benefits to a solid Social Media plan that many others aren’t talking about.

It is where traditional search and Social Media collide HEAD ON, like an asteroid smashing into something. Who wins???

In this case, it is the smart business person that realizes you need to intelligently play in both spaces without breaking the bank and killing your internal staff resources.

Instead of going it alone, perhaps we could have a discussion on how we can help your business succeed online. I have developed a blueprint for both the search world (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. and also, the Social Media worlds (Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, etc.)

Should you like to reap the benefits of this online marketing blueprint, then it would be great to have a conversation to discuss how we might work together to help your business gain the needed online exposure it needs to survive today. I will help set strategy, give instructional guidance on what works and how to do it. Your very own online marketing blueprint devised especially for your business. Facebook, Google, You Tube, LinkedIn and more, your own roadmap to navigate the treacherous waters of the online world.

Todd Ramse
